ALKALOSIS | respiratory and metabolic alkalosis

ALKALOSIS | respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
ALKALOSIS | respiratory and metabolic alkalosis


 Alkalosis is increase in blood alkalinity caused by an overabundance of bicarbonate in the blood or a decrease of acid from the blood (metabolic alkalosis), or by a low level of carbon dioxide in the blood that is because of fast or deep breathing (respiratory alkalosis).


  •  It is caused by hyperventilation which results in excessive loss of co2.
During respiratory alkalosis , arterial blood have
  • high level of PH
  • Bicarbonate ions level decreases
  • Decrease of partial pressure of co2 in blood.


It is caused by increase HCO3- concentration in blood and loss of H+ ions. Arterial blood in metabolic alkalosis as

  • Increase in PH
  • Increase in bicarbonate ion
  • Increase in pCO2

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