Respiratory system | structural and functional divisions

Functions of respiratory system Respiratory system | structural and functional divisions
Respiratory system | structural and functional divisions

Functions of respiratory system

1: Gas exchange

O2 into enter the blood and CO2 move out of the blood.

2: Blood PH regulation

Level of CO2 in blood alter it's pH.

3: Voice production

When air past vocal folds, it creates the sound and speech.


We feel smell  when airborne molecules enter  into nasal cavity

5: Protection

It provide protection against microorganisms by stopping them from entering into the  body and removing them from respiratory surfaces.

Four processes are included in respiration.

1:Ventilation: During ventilation, air move into and out of lungs.

2: External respiration: there is gas exchange between air in lungs and blood

3: Transportation of O2 and CO2 in the blood

4: Internal respiration: there is gas exchange between  blood and tissues

Structural division of respiratory system

The respiratory system consists of external nose, nasal cavity, pharynx,  larynx, trachea, bronchi, and  lungs.

Structurally, the respiratory system is divided into two parts

Upper tract

Nose, pharynx and associated structures

Lower tract

Larynx, bronchi,trachea and  lungs

Functional division of respiratory system

The respiratory system is divided into two regions functionally

1: The conducting zone is for air movement and it  extends from the nose to the bronchioles.

2: The respiratory zone is present there  within the lungs and is where  there gas exchange between air and blood takes place.

Conducting zone

The nose which consists of  external nose and nasal cavity.

External nose  forms a prominent feature of the face. The  nasal cavity extends from nares  to the choanae.


Passageway for air.

Cleans the air.

Humidifies the warms air.. the air is moisten by the mucous epithelium and by tear glands which is warmed by warm blood flowing through blood vessels which are underlying.

Smell ---the receptors of smell in the nasal cavity detect air born molecules.

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