Global ecosystems | Atmosphere, layers,

Global ecosystems | Atmosphere, layers( stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere..)
Global ecosystems | Atmosphere, layers( stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere..)

The Global Ecosystems

1: Atmosphere

2: Hydrosphere

3: Lithosphere

4: Biosphere


The blanket of earth which surrounds the earth is called atmosphere. It forms safety shell over the earth. It traps the heat energy from sun.


71-78% Nitrogen

21-23% Oxygen

1% Traces Gases (argon, water vapors and CO2)

Structure of Atmosphere

Based on temperature

1: Troposphere (0-15km)

2: stratosphere (15-50km)

3: Mesosphere (50-500km)

4: Thermosphere

5: Ionosphere

6: Exosphere

Based on the altitude

1: Tropopause (10-15km)

2: Stratopause (50km)

3: Mesopause (90km)

1: Troposphere

  1.  This is closest to earth surface.
  2. “Tropos” means change. It is called troposphere because the weather in this layer is constantly changing and mixing up the gases in this portion of our atmosphere.
  3. This is thinnest at the North pole and South pole.
  4. This layer contain air we breath and the clouds in sky.
  5. In this lowest layer, air is densest.

2: Stratosphere

  1. ·         Present above the troposphere and below mesosphere.
  2. ·         It is 35km thick contain ozone layer.
  3. ·         Strat means layer. It has its own set of layers. Heavy air is present at bottom and the light air is at the top.
  4. ·         This is a layer of protection.

3: Mesosphere

  1. ·         This layer is located above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere.
  2. ·         Meso means middle. This is 35km thick. Breathing is not possible in this layer because air is still thin. More gases are present in this layer than out in thermosphere.
  3. ·         Highest layer where gases are all mixed up instead of being layered up by mass.
  4. ·         The meteors are burning up in this layer.

4:  Thermosphere

  1. ·         Present above mesosphere and below the exosphere.
  2. ·         Thermo means heat. Temperature in thermosphere can reach up to 4500 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. ·         513km thick
  4. ·         Home to international space station.

5: Ionosphere

  1. ·         It overlaps mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.
  2. ·         Very active part of atmosphere.
  3. ·         It grows and shrinks on the basis of energy it absorbs from sun.
  4. ·         It is known as ionosphere because the gases present in this layer are excited to form ions, by solar radiations, which have an electrical charge.
  5. ·         Parts of this layer overlap with earth’s magnetosphere. That is the region around earth where particles feel earth’s magnetic field.
  6. ·         In this layer, the magnetic field of both earth and sun effect charge particles. This is where first light of day called auroras happens. These are bright and beautiful bands of light. They are produced because high energy particles from sun are interacting with atoms in this layer.

6: Exosphere

  1. ·         Outermost layer of atmosphere.
  2. ·         Very edge of atmosphere.
  3. ·         cause separation of rest of atmosphere from outer space.
  4. ·         10,000km thick.
  5. ·         It contains gases like hydrogen and helium, but they are spread out.
  6. ·         No air to breath

Three ways through which atmosphere helps living things to live on earth

1: Protection

It blocks out dangerous rays from sun.

2: Water

There is water on earth’s atmosphere. When evaporation of water, respiration in animals or transpiration in plant takes place, the water in the form of vapors rises through atmosphere and form clouds. These clouds then condense into rain, snow or any form precipitation. This is how atmosphere regulate the water balance on earth.

3: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen

Animal on earth need oxygen for breathing. Plants need carbon dioxide for growth and sustenance. Balance between CO2 AND O2 is essential. If C02 increases, it will cause global warming. Some plants need nitrogen for growth.  


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