Morphology and importance of tomato


Morphology  and importance of tomato
Morphology  and importance of tomato

Scientific classification

Kingdom:       Plantae                                             

Clade:             Angiosperms

Order:              Solanales                                                                                     

Family:            Solanaceae

Genus:               Solanum

Species:           S. lycopersicum


·         Scientific name is Solanum lycopersicum

·         It is most important and popular fruit vegetable of world, used in daily life.

·         Its life span is usually 5-6 months.

·         It is self- pollinated annual crop and have 24 chromosomes.


      It has compound leaves, 4-10 inch long, odd and pinnate (feather like). Its leaves have 5-9 leaflets on petioles. Each leaflet is up to 8cm long.  They have serrated margins (saw-like appearance).


·         Flower is a reproductive part, usually yellow in color.

·         Both male and female parts are present on same flower (self- pollinated).

·         Pistil is female part while stamen is male part.

·         It consists of four main parts, sepal, petal, stamen and pistil.

Morphology  and importance of tomato | flower
Morphology  and importance of tomato | flower


Seeds are present in large quantity and are peer or kidney shaped. They are brown in color and are hairy. Vivipary takes place in overripe fruits when seeds reached to maturity due to reduction or absence of natural hormone abscisic acid.


It is red to orange in color. Cherry, early girl and mushroom tomatoes are its variations. Tomato fruit is classified as cherry. The true fruit develop from the ovary after fertilization. The fruit contain hollow spaces called locular cavities full of seeds and moisture.


There are varieties of tomato stems from bush to vine like. Phyllotaxy of tomato is termed as spiral. The stem has a terminal bud which is responsible for increase in stem. Shape of shoot system is effected by cutting or pruning.  The hairs are present on stem called trichomes. They protect plant from insects. Plants at higher altitudes are also protected by them from sunlight by using their reflecting qualities.


This plant can have tap root system or fibrous root system. Dicots have tap root and monocots have fibrous root system. The root system depends on the way plant has grown. The plant grown from seeds will have tap root system. And the plant grown from cutting will have fibrous root system.


·         Tomato consumption and production is increasing from over 25 years.
·         Currently, global production of tomato is around 130 million tons.
·         China, Turkey, India, EU, and US are top five largest tomato producers and account for 70% of global production.
·         They are the source of vitamin A and C, lycopene, beta-carotene and choline. Lycopene protects cells from oxidative damage.
·         It repairs the damage cause by smoking, sun and pollution.
·         It is good for hairs, skin and for pregnant women.


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